Links to Digital Tools

Gmail: School Email Address
pw: (lunch number)24
login: lunch number
pw: flMMDDYY (first initial of first name, first initial of last name, birthdate)
Copier/Printer: Log in to PC Client on your computer AND on the printer:
login: first.last
pw: lunch number
Destiny Library Catalog: Look for a library book here
Scholastic GO!      At school, log in with your RSU24 gmail credentials.
If accessing from home, enter the following credentials:
Username: sumner
Password: science
Username: sumner
Password: science
Username: sumner-mhs
Password: tigers
Username: sumner
Password: library
Username: (your school email address)
Password: (none needed)
Source Reference: One-Stop Shopping for Research Resources
Username: sumner
Password: library21
CloudLibrary: Instant access to digital and audio books
login: your RSU24 email address
password: your lunch number
AASL Best Websites and Apps for Teaching and Learning: